The notice of the AGM is here; the minutes of last year’s AGM here.

Executive Committee changes

PositionStanding DownNominated
CommodoreMike HughesMartha Owen
Vice CommodoreMartha OwenMick Renny
Rear CommodoreMick Renny
SecretaryJim Dale
Membership SecretaryRick MabeyNic Wood
Bar ManagerMartin Barlow

This leaves us without a Secretary or Rear Commodore, and with vacancies on the Executive Committee.


1. Addition to club rules to deal with the dissolution of the club

We certainly don’t intend to dissolve the club! But we would like to register the club with HMRC as a Community Amateur Sports Club, and this clause (or similar) is required. There is currently nothing relevant in the rule book (available here).

2. To transfer the management of the bar to the Yacht Club Café

The Executive Committee are proposing that management of the bar is handed over to the Yacht Club Cafe. For the last 5 years, the bar has been run by Martin Barlow on a completely voluntary basis, and he’s done an excellent job. However, it is now hard to break even; in fact it has made a small loss this year.

Hugo and Mary Jane have run the Yacht Club cafe successfully for 3 years now, and lease the cafe and kitchen from the club on an annual contract. By letting them run the bar as well, we hope it will be used more and re-invigorate the club.

Hugo’s proposal is here

This is a big change to the way the Club is run – so please come to the AGM and let us have your opinion!