
Social Calendar 2024

Fri 10 MayCheese and Wine evening
Sat 22 JuneMidsummer Quiz & 200 Club Draw
Sat 7 SepTapas Night
Fri 4 OctMurder Mystery night
Sat 11 NovFashion Show

200 Club

For only £10 per number there is a chance of winning up to £250 a year.  The more numbers you have, the greater your chance of winning! The first of the quarterly draws is in March and you don’t need to be a Yacht Club member to enter. If the winner of the quarterly prize of £50 is present at the draw, the prize is increased by £25.
There is also an annual draw with higher prizes.

Income from the 200 club really helps the club!

If you’d like to set up a direct debit for £10 a year, please visit GoCardless.