The Battle of Fishguard Bay, Sat 2 July

If you’ve a boat, get afloat!

To celebrate the club’s 75th Anniversary, Saturday 2nd July will be a day of fun events both on the water and ashore. The aim is to get as many people on the water as we can.

The battle at 11:00 will be a water fight between 3 fleets – a fleet of yachts, dayboats and longboats coming in from the bay, and 2 fleets of dinghies, kayaks and paddleboards from Lower Town and the Parrog. Water shooters will be available (see below), but bring your own if you can!

The battle will then be followed by a series of relay races near the quay. Each race will have 2 teams, each with a mixture of boats; eg. long boat, scull, Feva, paddleboard, Topper, kayak. Each boat will need to complete a simple course round a buoy and back before handing the baton onto the next boat.

Then from 5pm, there’ll be a barbeque by the Yacht Club Cafe, with music from No Mean Biscuit.

Battle Registration

You don’t have to register – you can just turn up – but it will help us get similar size fleets if we know who’s coming. However, if you’re planning to take part, please ensure your boat has 3rd Party Insurance cover of at least £1,000,000.

There’s a registration form at the bottom of this page


10:00Yachts and dayboats leave Lower Town harbour (High Water is 10:10)
10:30Yachts, dayboats, longboats and RIBs assemble east of the north breakwater
Smaller boats (sculls, dinghies, kayaks, paddleboards) launch from either Lower Town on the Parrog
11:00Everyone converges on an area marked by orange buoys between Saddle Point and the east breakwater. At the sound of a cannon, Let Battle Commence!
12:00 approxBattle over
13:00 – 15:30Mixed-craft relay races on the water in Lower Town
17:00Barbeque and band (No Mean Biscuit) at the Yacht Club

If the weather’s too bad to launch, there will be a tug of war on the quay.

Water shooters

Water shooters will be available from the Yacht Club, £3 each. They are also sold in Bettabuys.

Best Dressed Boat competition

Decorate your boat (and it’s crew!). Judging will take place around 4pm in or near the harbour.

This competition hasn’t been held for a number of years, but there’s a rather fine trophy.

Trophy for Best Dressed Boat

Registration form

    Your name:

    Your email:

    Mobile phone number:

    Type of craft:

    I'll be launching from:
